Category: AI Applications

  • Finding Harmony: Exploring the Impact of Personal AI

    What is personal AI? Personal AI refers to a subset of AI technology personalized to your needs and habits. Contrary to Hollywood portrayals, it’s more like a helpful friend. Benefits Personal AI offers several benefits: Essentially, Personal AI is like a personal assistant who knows you intimately, without the awkwardness…

  • AI Research Highlights | Week 38, 2023

    1. Large Language Models as Optimizers Source: LLMs can serve as optimizers in the OPRO (Optimization by PROmpting) framework, which DeepMind Scientists just unveiled. Under OPRO, prompts can be best optimized by LLMs, exceeding human-designed prompts by up to 8% on GSM8K tests and by up to 50% on…

  • AI Agents vs AI Chatbots: Who Will Lead the Future?

    Exploring AI Chatbots Meeting AI Agents AI Agents vs AI Chatbots: Functionality Comparison Conversation-oriented vs. Goal-oriented Memory Reasoning and planning Learning and Adaptation Metacognition AI agents vs AI chatbots: Applications Conclusion In today’s AI-driven world, chatbots have emerged as indispensable companions in our daily lives. AI Chatbots are designed to…

  • Discover Top Performing Crypto with AI Web3 Tutor

    What is Personal AI? When we talk about Personal AI, we’re referring to artificial intelligence systems tailored to meet individual needs. Essentially, these are algorithms or bots that learn from your online behaviour, making decisions based on this collected data. Personal AI can take multiple forms, like virtual assistants such…

  • Top 10 Most Influential Projects on AI in 2022

    The year 2022 saw significant advancements in the realm of Artificial Intelligence(AI). Natural Language Processing, Image Generation, Machine Learning, and other related fields have all made remarkable strides, making AI tools widely used across various domains. In the first half of 2022, a large number of generative AI models emerged,…

  • Maximize Your Festive Spirit: A Guide to Christmas Tree Decorations with Your Personal AI

    What is Personal AI? Your personal AI, also known as Artificial Intelligence, is a sophisticated piece of technology designed to assist you in various aspects of your life. It learns from your behavior patterns, preferences, and tendencies to customize its responses to your needs. This machine learning tool can aid you…

  • Exploring the Social Consequences of Widespread Personal AI Adoption

    What is personal AI? Allow Me to Introduce You to Personal AI Alright, so what on earth is this thing called Personal AI? And no, it’s not an AI that does your laundry or cooks meals (I wish!). Personal AI, short for Artificial Intelligence, is like your digital doppelgänger. It’s…

  • Exploring What an AI Email Assistant Can Do for Your Inbox

    Do you often feel inundated with emails and other professional communication? You are not alone, and recent studies even suggest that the average worker receives around 121 emails every day. This is a huge burden for anyone to bear, so, what can you do about it to get your digital…

  • AI Research Highlights | Week 46, 2023

    1. MFTCoder: Boosting Code LLMs with Multitask Fine-Tuning Source: Researchers from the Ant group proposed MFTCoder, an open-source project of CodeFuse for multitasking Code-LLMs, which includes models, datasets, training codebases, and inference guides. The focus is on addressing the issues of data balance and convergence speed that commonly arise…

  • Why AI Email Writing Is the Secret Weapon for Busy Professionals

    We get it. Sometimes your email inbox feels like a black hole, into which your time, effort, and energy disappear. You are not alone in this feeling. Recent studies confirm that many people spend over ten hours weekly on emails alone, leading to wasted time in offices everywhere. You may have…