Category: All Posts

  • 15 Future Trends in Email Writing AI

    Email is already overwhelming everyone. We are getting way more messages than we should ever be handling. Many of them are also a waste of time due to being either generic or irrelevant to us. So, how can we handle such an overload of information while still receiving the messages we…

  • 7 Notion Alternatives to Supercharge Your Productivity

    7 Notion Alternatives to Supercharge Your Productivity

    In recent months, Notion has seen a spate of critical reviews that have started to condemn its offering. While it may be one of the most popular note-taking apps around, people appear to be coming to realize it is not all it is cracked up to be. Why is this, though,…

  • 6 Examples of AI in Everyday Life: How ADI Makes it All Easier

    Updated: Apr 18 AI is here to stay, but many people still aren’t sure of what to do with it yet. If we want to integrate it with the rest of the world, we need to remember the words of tech evangelist Bill Gates: “The advance of technology is based on…

  • This AI Note Taker Proves You’re Not as Smart as You Think

    This AI Note Taker Proves You’re Not as Smart as You Think

    We’ve all experienced this before—you’re in a class or meeting, trying desperately to take down important information. Not only is writing by hand slow, but it’s physically taxing too. Utilizing a laptop helps, but if you aren’t a fast typer, you’ll still struggle. This is where an AI note taker…

  • ADI: How MindOS Developed an Adaptive AI to Surpass AGI

    ADI: How MindOS Developed an Adaptive AI to Surpass AGI

    Updated: Apr 24 Research reveals a curious trend: Large language models (LLMs) are closer to the habits and likes of a specific group of people. We call this group the WEIRD population. WEIRD stands for Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic. So, how can we ensure AI serves not just a…

  • 7 Notion Alternatives to Supercharge Your Productivity

    In recent months, Notion has seen a spate of critical reviews that have started to condemn its offering. While it may be one of the most popular note-taking apps around, people appear to be coming to realize it is not all it is cracked up to be. Why is this, though,…

  • This AI Note Taker Proves You’re Not as Smart as You Think

    We’ve all experienced this before—you’re in a class or meeting, trying desperately to take down important information. Not only is writing by hand slow, but it’s physically taxing too. Utilizing a laptop helps, but if you aren’t a fast typer, you’ll still struggle. This is where an AI note taker…

  • Can AI Replace Human Interaction? Exploring the Possibilities

    What is personal AI? Alright buddy, gather around! Let’s chat about something pretty wild, something that’s straight out of the pages of your favorite sci-fi novel. Yeah, you guessed it (or well, maybe you didn’t, but I’m telling you anyway)! We’re talking about Personal AI. So, what’s Personal AI, you…

  • AI Business Ideas to Make Millions: ADI Pros Reveal the Secrets

    AI Business Ideas to Make Millions: ADI Pros Reveal the Secrets

    Every era, groundbreaking tech causes seismic shifts in how we live, learn, and work. Consider the personal computer, for example, which made quickly many office tools obsolete once it emerged. While the specifics of this tech are hard to predict, you can count on one thing. Companies that don’t adapt…

  • How an AI Executive Assistant Prevents Information Overload How an AI Executive Assistant Prevents Information Overload

    Before the Internet, handling company data at the senior level was a difficult task due to the overreliance on physical sources. In recent years, being online has made such materials much more accessible. All you have to do is log on, search, and you’ll find what you need. The digital…